Week 1: No Class
Week 2 (10/11/18):
Course Introduction
- Syllabus
- Norms/Expectations for the class
- Activity
- Who Am I exercise
- How do you define yourself ethnically and culturally?
- Definitions of native Images in our head of “indigenous”
- Open class up for anyone who wants to share/present about their people
- Announce 25th Ohlone Gathering
- 50th Alcatraz Ceremony
- Friendship house
Week 3 (10/18/18): Jaysha
Tashina Cooper, Navajo US Diplomat
Week 4 (10/25/18): Jaysha
Distribute “There, There”
Documentary & Discussion
- Link to send out beforehand: http://www.hokulea.com/
- General introduction to the Hawaiian Renaissance and context
- Overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yjNUbJquKI
- A navigation update: We can pick in class
- An arrival ceremony: We can pick in class
- Coming home: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D96HqnywDxs
- Summary and future directions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3u75Mq-Pso
Week 5 (11/1/18): Justin
Discussion “There, There”
Video Urban Native Experience
Week 6: Movie
Week 7: MMIW + Debrief
Week 8 (11/8/18): Jaysha and Justin
Indigenous Non-profits or Traditional Foods & Indigenous non-profits
Alongside making food 2-3 min presentation
Final Project Discussion
Week 9: Final Project Presentation
Week 10: No Class
Two Mandatory Events info:
Please write a 1-2 paragraph reflection and post 1-2 pics on the event!
Event ideas...
- Frybread Saturday - Diné Club (@ the NACC)
- Indigenous People’s Day ceremony @ Alcatraz: Monday, October 9, 3:30am
- Indigenous People’s Day Candlelight Vigil @ White Plaza: Monday, October 9, 7-9pm
- First Nations Fellows Opening Ceremony @Jasper Ridge: Sunday, October 29
- First Nations Fellows Stew & Frybread Dinner @ the NACC: Thursday, November 2
- IDA’s The 5th Element: The Future and Promise of Hip Hop Pedagogy: Wednesday, November 8
- American Indian Film Festival in SF: Friday, November 3 - Saturday, November 11
- 6th Annual Ohlone Big Time Gathering in SF: Friday - Sunday, October 20 - 22, Info at this link
- Bay Area Indian events: See the calendar at this link Go to the California Indian Museum & Cultural Center: Calendar at this link
- Go to Powwows or other outside Native American Events: California list of events at this link
- Participate in SAIO, NACC, or other Stanford native groups’ events (see Denni’s community calendar)
- Host/participate in smaller student-run native events
- We will update y'all on events!
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