
Instructor: Karen Biestman
1-unit, CR/NC
Muwekma House Seminar
Tues: 8-9 PM @ Muwekma Lounge

Justin Henson

Jaysha Alonzo-Estrada
(808) 333-2613

Course Overview:
        Muwekma House Seminar is a 1-unit, credit/no credit course centered around issues of past, present, and future Native American/Alaska Native/ Pacific Islander communities.  This class will explore topics that deal with indigenous peoples in the modern world, ranging from hardships to triumphs.  
Course Expectations:
1. Be present.  Attendance and participation are required in-group discussions.  One’s level of previous exposure to Native culture does not limit one’s ability to participate.
2. Be respectful.  Remember that impact trumps intent when speaking, so be mindful of your words and actions when discussing sensitive topics.
3. Be enthusiastic.  We hope that you will become passionate about at least one topic of discussion during the quarter and encourage you to extend the conversation beyond House Seminar.  
Course Requirements:
- Attendance: Every class is mandatory.  If you will be missing a seminar, alert either Gianna or Kawena at least 24 hours in advance and expect a make-up assignment.  If you’re more than 15 minutes late, also expect a make-up assignment.
- Make-ups: Write a one-page (double-spaced) post on a topic that relates to the class you are missing or and publish it to the Wordpress blog.
- Final: Write a two-page (~ 500 words, double-spaced) post or create an art piece on a topic of your choice and publish it to the Wordpress blog.  You will also share with the class for two minutes (be prepared to answer fellow students’ basic questions as well) on your chosen topic.
- Native Community Events: Attend at least two outside of House Seminar. Take a picture (or more than one!) of you at the event/the event and publish it to the WordPress blog with a thoughtful reflection of at least two sentences or a caption for each picture (if you have more than one).  See list of suggested events at the end of the syllabus.  
- Blog Details:
Make sure that you get an invitation to be a blog contributor by the end of week one. This is where you will be turning in your course materials.

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