This poem was written to call out a white, middle/upper-class audience, and the language reflects that. I'm hesitant to post this on here because it might cause more pain in this space than anything else... but seeing as it's my final project here it is. I'm going to somehow transmit this to my family over Winter Break, whether that's reading this aloud at the dinner table and facilitating a real conversation about how our family has affected native and indigenous folks or posting this somewhere or something else. Here it is:
What We've Done
Hey middle and upper class White Western folks
I come at this from a place of love.
Please listen.
We’ve used science and test-tubes and pills and
To compensate for the fact we’re breaking our souls
We discovered this new thing, pushed it till we bled
Scratched a scab we didn’t even know was trying to scar
When we stepped foot here we brought disease and we brought
We brought guns and syphilis and death
We claimed what our feet touched because our greed tells us
we can
We would grab the air if we could hold it, but you can’t
hold air
So we took the ground instead.
We brought a religion that we told people would save them
Took their kindness and repurposed it for ourselves
We took and we have taken and we continue to take
Hoping that what we take will fill our hollow souls.
We took language and we took colors
Made our color mean “good” and other colors mean “bad”
Made ourselves the normal and encouraged our kids to be
But our kids can see and so can we
How dare we appropriate a different ability to make
ourselves feel better
Especially when our actions still see color.
We celebrate a day that smooths over our past of genocide
Call it “Thanksgiving” because we’re apparently grateful
But our “thanks” is empty because what the hell have we done
for the people who have given us so much.
They have land, you say, searching for an explanation
because you feel a need to defend yourself and your color.
Because I'm entitled to this land, you think.
My ancestors earned this land, you think.
The only land we’ve given we keep pushing inwards.
We keep taking and taking
Relying on folks to explain to us that we have caused so
much pain
It’s not my fault I’m White, you say.
True, and there’s no use feeling guilt about that.
But when our thoughts and our words and our actions
Keep slamming people who have given us so much,
We’ve got to fix ourselves and start working with other
White folks to fix themselves, too.
Stop saying people are angry.
You’d be angry too if you and your family had been murdered
and sterilized
Because a Stanford professor published unsubstantiated lies
and called them facts
And what's worse: people believed him
Now that our medicine
Is coming around
Becoming more “holistic” and using “alternative treatments”
Y’all, this knowledge isn’t new
We’re proving it with data and figures and graphs
Researchers bent over computers, pushing glasses up to the
bridge of their noses
Shouting “Our hypothesis is correct!” and publishing the
obvious in JAMA
Native and indigenous and POC folks have known this for
thousands of years
Living as a whole person in harmony and balance with mind,
body, heart, and spirit
With the Earth, not on it
People have been Walking in Beauty for centuries.
Where did the ideas come to White folks to start this new
medical framework?
Acupuncture, deep-breathing, herbs, medicine men, massage,
Even vegetarian diets. Self-care. Mindfulness.
I swear by it, you say.
Great! So when did you thank the people who saved you?
Because the person who came up with that wasn’t the white
acupuncturist who stuck needles in your face
Or the shaman you saw because you had the money to pay
Taking culture for yourself and not doing anything to say
thanks other than throwing a 15% tip at the individual.
We throw doctors at the IHS
Use incentives like “loan forgiveness”
Because that’ll help “give back”
But for some reason after swearing in a white coat to serve
Some of those folks don’t give a shit
Just biding time before they can apply for money and leave
White people are good at throwing band-aids at oozing systemic
Healing practices work
As has been clear to so many people for so long
And now us white folks who love data so much have the
numbers to back it up.
I think we should listen to the people who have known this
for thousands of years.
We need to know
When we study, we take.
It’s more than just the bioethics and “working with human
subjects” module for investigators
These are people we are talking about.
We, white folks who benefit from this research, are taking
from native, indigenous and POC people.
If we don’t put in work
Back to beautiful people who have and continue to give us so
Then we’re just as bad as the people who tell us that we are
say we are.
They benefit from the research, you say.
Yeah? Not as much as you do.
Show me the numbers to back up that claim.
Show me that money and socioeconomic status isn’t tied into
Look at yourself in the mirror.
Look at your face that is White
And at your soul through your eyes that has shriveled from
neglect and ignorance.
Of the people who have and continue to give to you.
You want to be a good person, I’m sure you do.
But in order to actually be good people, we’ve got to
recognize how we personally have hurt people so we can do something about it.
I think we can work to heal ourselves,
But for that we have got to stop saying, This doesn’t apply
to me.
I don’t want to think about this.
I’m forgetting.
I’ve forgotten.
Stop forgetting. Because the people we take from will never
Remember. Remember every time you go to the doctor and they
do more than just write you something for medication. Remember every time someone
in the medical profession treats you like a whole person. Remember every time
you self-care.
And then fight like hell for the people who taught us that.
It’s the least we can do.
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