Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Ixcanul director, and his motivations for the film

Guatemalan director Jayro Bustamente has taken prizes at the Berlin International Film Festival and the Guadalajara Film Festival for his feature 'Ixcanul.'
This is Jayro Bustamonte, the director of Ixcanul. 
Here's a link to an article where he talks more about his motivations for the film

Here's one quote to address the question that was raised in our class today about why he chose this topic for his film:
"Q: Why shoot in Kaqchikel? What is your own experience with the language?

 A: I want to say that it's respect for my childhood. It's a language my nanny taught me. I understand it, though I don't speak it completely. And there is such a lack of respect towards it. The woman who inspired this story — a real woman — she spoke Kaqchikel, or mostly Kaqchikel, so that's where it came from. The movie was a very interesting process. I wrote the film in French [in Paris, where I went to film school]. Then I translated it into Spanish. We then went to Guatemala and I translated it into Kaqchikel. Then we worked with each actor to personalize the dialogue. Then once we figured that out, we fixed it. And from there, everyone needed to memorize the script. I had to memorize it. The sound engineer had to memorize it. We didn't have a continuity person because they left, so everyone had to understand a little bit of the language. For me it was important to create a setting where the language was just another language, not the [so-called] "language of the Indians," which is an insult there."

See ya next week! Watch and finish the movie if ya can :)

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