Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Community Post - Ski Trip and Conversations about Indigeneity - Hamzeh

 My first community experience is about the ski trip we took with both Muwekma residents and the greater native community. That weekend was probably the most wholesome time I've experienced in my sophomore year. There was hella snow, hella love, and hella people. The icing on the cake was definitely the cafe night. So many beautiful talented people sharing a moment of appreciation and fun in a judgement free setting. (Also p sure everyone thinks I have a crush on Jacob, which granted everyone in this house does).

My second community experience is the conversations I often had with people around the dorm about being indigenous to lands outside of the land I'm on currently. Indigeneity is such a wide concept that deals with so many identities, and having conversations specifically with Kawena about my Palestinian identity, her Hawaiian and Japanese identities, and how Indigeneity plays into those were one of the most fulfilling conversations I've had here. (LOOOK AT HERRRRR)

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