Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Community Posts 1 and 2 - Keoni

For my first communtiy event, I attended Kawena's tattooing during Family Weekend.  While, I was unable to get to see the actual tattooing due to my family's schedule, I was able to stay for a while and I had talked a lot with Kawena about the process of getting tattooed in the traditional Hawaiian way. I learned a lot that I didn't know about the history of tattooing in Polynesia and how the tradition has been revived. I was also lucky enough to get to see the diagram of the meaning behind her tattoos, which I felt was really special. I hope to in the future follow in her footsteps and get a tattoo myself in the same way and so it was really cool to be able to experience it in real life.

My second community event was the SPAM dinner. It was really cool to see so much SPAM in the same place because it reminded me of home and I was able to engage with the Native community a bit more because I don't typically get to. Overall, it was a really interesting idea and I was happy to get more than my fair share of SPAM for that day.

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