Monday, March 5, 2018

I Was Asked Where I'm From The Other Day -Hamzeh

Where do you come from?
A question I think of when I want to fathom my own sense of belonging
As I stand here I blink every now and then to give my cuticles the decency of re-hydrating while my throat goes dry thinking of such a question
I was born in a hospital in the capital of a small country in the middle east called Jordan.
Wait that means I’m from Jordan, doesn’t it?
What’s your heritage? 
My family originates from a small town called Yafa in Palestine.
Wait ... that means I’m from Palestine, doesn’t it?
You mean Israel… don't you?
Heavily breathing
Do I?
Nostrils narrowing
Where do I come from?
I blink now and with every blink I see my grandfather.
Grandfather, where do you come from?
Palestine, my boy.
Why aren’t you there now?
I am not allowed my boy.
Because …
Pure silence.
I was 8 when I realized a person could answer the question: “where do you come from?” With silence.
The other day my friend asked me:Where are you from?
I answered ...

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