Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Final Project Write-Up

For my final project I decided to make traditional Native Alaskan dance fans. I decided on this project because I feel as if traditional dance is a major aspect of all Native American tribes throughout America and also because Native dance has had a major impact on me personally. In Yup’ik culture there are two different types of dance fans. One is made out of wood and caribou hair and is meant to be used by females and another is made of wood and swan feathers and is meant to be used by males. Both types of dance fans are used by their respective genders in traditional dance festivals throughout Alaska. Drummers/Singers sing traditional Yup’ik songs and beat on a drum that is made out of wood and stretched seal skin while women dance along to the beat standing up and while men dance kneeling down. Both the women and the men hold their dance fans in their hands and use them to create swift and flowing movements that tell a story along with the words that are being sung. While growing up I participated in dance festivals once a year and have filled the roles of a dancer and a singer. Dance festivals have been a very important part of my life, they allow me to gather with many of my relatives throughout the state and it also connects me with my culture and ancestors. Instead of creating a traditional male dance fan I made some slight modifications. The dance fans I created are much smaller than ones used for dancing. Another difference is the base of the dance fan is made from Alaskan grass instead of wood and the feathers used on the fan are ptarmigan feathers instead of swan feathers. Overall, I created dance fans because I felt as if traditional dance is a very prominent feature in all Native cultures and it is one that strongly resonates with me. 

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