Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Event- Kauaenoe Batangan Talk

A few reflections on the talk:
I would say one of the most interesting things to me during the talk was hearing how he engaged in policy in a meaningful way without having a direct path. Policy has always interested me, but I never felt aggressive enough, or full enough of righteous indignation to take on that path, but he seemed like a super chill and upstanding person, so maybe that is possible in politics! I guess I have to rethink my life now! I really appreciated the fact that he was so upfront about the path that his life followed and that the constant flux of life doesn't stop after college. it felt like when you read one of those relatable teen novels when you're sixteen and everything feels profound, because you feel more connected to the ~human experience~. It was really reassuring to me, even though I front like I'm not TERRIFIED of the future, I do worry about it some times.
It was also interesting to see how he did something that he really cared about and incorporated his identity into how he wanted to make change in the world. I also appreciated hearing about how his experiences as an undergrad shaped him. I thought it was even better that it was experiences and not classes that did the shaping!

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